run wild

run wild
forget about the naysayers

Friday, February 12, 2010

I choose joy

Hello, if I told you all was well in my side of the world, well i would be lying. In my side of the world there is sickness, sorrow, poverty, divorce, slavery, heartbrokeness, hatred, facades, theft, murder, and utter destruction. Those things may all be overwhelming and pretty powerful, but there is something that is much much more powerful. God. Yes, He is. I could go day to day and let all of these things burden me and bring me down, i could be the depressed girl in the side of the street. But i refuse, i refuse to be sad discouraged, i choose joy.

What do you choose?


  1. HEY thats me!!! he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he he
